Our obsession with visible progress creates a fragile relationship with our habits and, ultimately, ourselves.
What if every regression is an opportunity to recalibrate our approach, refine our systems, and rediscover our purpose?
Self-improvement feels like fighting a forever war against ourselves. We know only the language of force. This conflict seems fundamental to human nature—the price we must pay for change.
What if we're thinking about change all wrong? What if, instead of resisting our nature, we could flow with it?
Every year I sit down to unpack a full reflection of the past year—all the victories, the setbacks, and the lessons.
Here are five celebrations and five lessons from the year 2024.
Read MoreWandering the belief bazaar without a game plan is like stepping into a confirmation bias portal. Instead of trading in your lemon, you’ll become a lemon missionary, feverishly convinced that lemons are humanity’s future, disavowing any future compulsion to sample other fruits.
Read MoreI signed up for a meditation retreat in the hope of getting focus superpowers. Instead, I discovered a new relationship with experience that challenges the entire notion of controlling our attention.
Read MoreChris Sparks shares his journey of converting his inner critics into inner friends. Transforming his relationship with himself changed his relationship with everything.
Read MoreSkill is the difference between getting lucky and being lucky.
Sharing strategies and mindsets for increasing your frequency and your returns on luck.
A meditation on how the stories we tell ourselves shape our world.
A guide to the practice of rewriting restrictive and distorting stories such as “I’ve peaked.”
Read MoreAn Annual Review allows you to examine the highs and lows of the last year, extract the lessons, and move forward into the new year with confidence in where you are heading and clarity on how you’re going to get there.
Read MoreChris Sparks shares thirty-six lessons about developing a performance mindset, deepening friendships, and living a life of meaning and purpose.
Read MoreTwenty lessons for attracting, signing, and retaining great clients from a few scars Chris acquired along the way to building two sustainable service-based businesses.
Read MoreEvery year I sit down to unpack a full reflection of the past year—all the victories, the setbacks, and the lessons.
Here are five celebrations and five lessons I learned from 2021 and five intentions I am taking forward into 2022.
Read MoreChris invested well over $100,000 in the last five years in a quest to optimize health, maximize productivity, and install systems to ensure peak performance. Here are the top resources Chris discovered along the way.
Read MoreIf decision-making were a game, what would be the best way to play?
Read MoreI developed a five-step system that effectively bulletproofed my decision-making. This system led to a staggering difference in my long-term trajectory.
Read MoreIn poker—as in life—those making the most money are playing a different game.
Chris Sparks has spent fifteen years studying poker’s dark matter: the hidden dimensions of the game. Chris never considered himself one of the best poker players, but he is one of the world’s most profitable.
Read MoreAll productivity upgrades fall into one of two categories: intentions and constraints. Intentions raise the ceiling for productivity while constraints raise the floor.
Read MoreThe perfect system, the perfect tool, and the perfect day do not exist. They are traps which are killing your productivity.
Rather than setting your sights on achieving the unattainable 100%, concentrate on hitting 70%+ consistently.
Read MoreA forcing function is a catalyst that changes your default behavior in the future by realigning your short-term incentives with your long-term goals.
Read MoreThe 15 books that impacted Chris Sparks the most in 2019, with summaries and his biggest takeaways for each.
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